Package com.armatiek.infofuze.source.extractor

Class Summary
BinaryFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.
CompressedFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.
CSVFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.
DirectoryFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.
FileExtractor Abstract base class for classes that represents a concrete specific file extractor.
FileFileExtractor Abstract base class for classes that represents a concrete specific file extractor for files.
UnparseableFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.
XMLFileExtractor Class that represents the definition of a filesystem based source within infofuze-config.xml.

Enum Summary